Saturday, November 5, 2011

Not Your Ordinary Definition of Prudence

So tomorrow I am supposed to help teach the virtue of prudence to middle and high school young ladies tomorrow. But I feel like God is still trying to teach me to practice what I preach. St. Thomas Aquinas stated that prudence is "right reason applied to action."

For the past two weeks I've been fighting an ear infection. Round 1 of antibiotics did not work. I'm pretty sure the bacteria in my ear is laughing at the Z-pack and it's useless attempts to defeat it. Round 2 seems to be working (knock on wood), but since Z-pack did nada, my infection has spread and made me super weak. Yet despite my sickness, I pushed through my responsibilities this week to the point of my parents demanding I stay in bed.

But I'm stubborn. I'm still trying to find ways around my sickness to get done what needs to be done. I have a retreat next weekend. So much work needs to be done. I'm even trying to think of how I can work from my bed on my laptop.

But being at mass tonight, God helped me realize. I need to slow it down. I need to realize that my body needs rest and I need to take care of it. Living today in this world, everything is so fast paced. We want everything now, right away, as little waiting time as possible. We get impatient and think of all the other things we could be doing while we are waiting.

But that's what Satan wants us to think. He wants us to think we can't rest. He wants us to believe that if we rest then we are weak or lazy. But that is a lie. We need to rest. God rested on the 7th day. And He is God! We are little human beings. Of course we need rest. And complete rest. Rest in Him.

So for the sake of everyone's sanity, please rest. And when you rest. Rest in Him. Don't think of the million and one other things you need to be doing. When you are waiting, say in a line at the store, don't let your impatience fester and eat you up. Rest. And appreciate the moment God gave you to slow down for a second and appreciate your life and that you can live it in freedom.

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